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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Free|Apk|Android|Satellite Director NG v2.3.2 (2.3.2) Android Apk App

Satellite Director NG v2.3.2

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Mandroidapk.blogspot.comMarketappz.blogspot.com/">Download Apk Files | Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Mandroidapk.blogspot.comMarketappz.blogspot.com/">Android Apps | Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Mandroidapk.blogspot.comMarketappz.blogspot.com/">Android Market | Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Mandroidapk.blogspot.comMarketappz.blogspot.com/">Marketappz.blogspot.com: Android 2.2+

Overview: Annoying android ads phone. We hate m to.

T app simular to free Satellite Director b

additional features which require use of internet:

- enter street city to get GPS coordinates

- find exact location help Google Maps

- see satellite view above locaton where to point dish (parabole)

Finding a TV satellite, azimh, be pretty difficult. Bee find it a compass have to some

culations using GPS location, magnetic variation, compass azimh satellite azimh.

Satellite Director replaces of .

Just enable GPS phone enter GPS location use map to find location,

select desired TV satellite point phone to sky to target (find) TV satellite.

Balance phone. You have found satellite when white ball white circle

cyan ball cyan circle. Align offset arm, azimh, of satellite dish to cyan arrow

phones display satellite dish aligned azimh satellite.

Selectable audio tone, camera preview, continuous mode (no pause), color pickers a user defined satellite position may it easier to find desired TV satellite.

The satellite list contains 280 satellites.

New phones Android 4: remember “Setts” screen options to correct compass readings, if needed.

T app no advertisements

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